Premium Bottle Warmer


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Lo scaldabiberon fa circolare il latte materno all'interno del biberon mentre lo riscalda in modo delicato e uniforme, evitando la presenza di punti eccessivamente caldi. Il monitoraggio automatico della temperatura visualizza lo stato di avanzamento e attiva lo spegnimento automatico per prevenire il riscaldamento eccessivo.Questo sito è riservato agli operatori sanitari. Per informazioni sui prodotti per i privati, cliccare qui

Specifiche Tecniche

Milk and food warming
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - Yes
Compatible with all Philips Avent bottles and containers**
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - Yes
Speed of warming
  • SCF355 - about 3 min (5oz in a 9oz bottle at room temperature)
  • SCF356 - about 10 min (3oz at room temperature)
  • SCF256 - about 2.5 min (6oz at room temperature)
Different end temperatures based on your need
  • SCF355- Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Defrost function
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Always safe milk temperatures
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Keep warm function
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Automatic shut-off
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Progress indicator visual alert when food is ready
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256- No
Milk and food warming
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - Yes
Compatible with all Philips Avent bottles and containers**
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - Yes
Vedi tutte le specifiche
Milk and food warming
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - Yes
Compatible with all Philips Avent bottles and containers**
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - Yes
Speed of warming
  • SCF355 - about 3 min (5oz in a 9oz bottle at room temperature)
  • SCF356 - about 10 min (3oz at room temperature)
  • SCF256 - about 2.5 min (6oz at room temperature)
Different end temperatures based on your need
  • SCF355- Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Defrost function
  • SCF355 - Yes
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Always safe milk temperatures
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Keep warm function
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Automatic shut-off
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256 - No
Progress indicator visual alert when food is ready
  • SCF355 - No
  • SCF356 - Yes
  • SCF256- No

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